Associations to the word «Whitehead»
- Gustave
- Bertrand
- Alfred
- Torpedo
- Antrim
- Axle
- Gillian
- Ontology
- Nexus
- Russell
- Bridgeport
- Geoffrey
- Hegel
- Liam
- Marty
- Axiom
- Trombone
- Seton
- Mathematician
- Equivalence
- Bayer
- Annie
- Worldview
- Cosmology
- Ivor
- Atari
- Huff
- Warrington
- Hilbert
- Cobb
- Nikki
- Philosophy
- Philosopher
- Nellie
- Bianca
- Weber
- Cassandra
- Radcliffe
- Duality
- Agatha
- Algebra
- Fallacy
- Theology
- Diplomacy
- Dewey
- Creativity
- Phillip
- Mathematic
- Logic
- Edgar
- Clive
- Monoplane
- Bowman
- Abstraction
- Theorem
- Neville
- Mathematics
- Cw
- Surrogate
- Steiner
- Rhodesia
- Iain
- Isaiah
- Woodstock
- Watts
- Claremont
- Organist
- Conjecture
- Manifold
- Beth
- Derek
- Relativity
- Ferrari
- Reg
- Morley
- Sachs
- Stern
- Lander
- Kant
- Theologian
- Entity
- Aquinas
- Goldman
- Quaker
- Warhead
- Bsc
WHITEHEAD, noun. A pimple formed by a clogged sebaceous gland, usually with a milky-white cap.
WHITEHEAD, noun. A species of passerine bird, endemic to New Zealand (Mohoua albicilla)
WHITEHEAD, noun. The blue-winged snow goose.
WHITEHEAD, noun. The surf scoter duck.
WHITEHEAD, proper noun. A surname.
WHITEHEAD, noun. A form of self-propelling torpedo.
Dictionary definition
WHITEHEAD, noun. English philosopher and mathematician who collaborated with Bertrand Russell (1861-1947).
WHITEHEAD, noun. A small whitish lump in the skin due to a clogged sebaceous gland.
Wise words
In words, as fashions, the same rule will hold; Alike
fantastic, if too new, or old: Be not the first by whom the
new are tried, Nor yet the last to lay the old aside.