Associations to the word «Warrant»
- Presumption
- Midshipman
- Ay
- Offence
- Arrest
- Inclusion
- Evidence
- Imprisonment
- Investigation
- Circumstance
- Clause
- Crime
- Seizure
- Search
- Inference
- Acting
- Officer
- Felony
- Partridge
- Madam
- Magistrate
- Writ
- Quartermaster
- Sergeant
- Affirmation
- Yeomanry
- Ladyship
- Bail
- Nay
- Suspect
- Summons
- Indictment
- Constable
- Surveillance
- Swat
- Royal
- Execution
- Squire
- Rogue
- Prosecutor
- Detention
- Severity
- Precedence
- Sheriff
- Custody
- Icc
- Ordnance
- Insignia
- Tis
- Enforcement
- Probation
- Apprehension
- Posse
- Informant
- Interruption
- Corps
- Territorial
- Gunner
- Amendment
- Premise
- Bailiff
- Fugitive
- Narcotic
- Defendant
- Fbi
- Seizing
- Genu
WARRANT, noun. (obsolete) A protector or defender.
WARRANT, noun. Authorization or certification; sanction, as given by a superior.
WARRANT, noun. Something that provides assurance or confirmation; a guarantee or proof: a warrant of authenticity; a warrant for success.
WARRANT, noun. An order that serves as authorization, especially: A voucher authorizing payment or receipt of money.
WARRANT, noun. (legal) A judicial writ authorizing an officer to make a search, seizure, or arrest or to execute a judgment.
WARRANT, noun. A warrant officer.
WARRANT, noun. A certificate of appointment given to a warrant officer.
WARRANT, noun. (finance) An option, usually with a term at issue greater than a year, usually issued together with another security, to buy other securities of the issuer.
WARRANT, noun. (New Zealand) A Warrant of Fitness; a document certifying that a motor vehicle meets certain standards of safety and mechanical soundness.
WARRANT, verb. (obsolete) (transitive) To protect, keep safe (from danger).
WARRANT, verb. (transitive) To guarantee (something) to be (of a specified quality, value etc.).
WARRANT, verb. (transitive) To guarantee as being true; (colloquially) to believe strongly.
WARRANT, verb. (obsolete) (transitive) To give (someone) a guarantee or assurance (of something); also, with double object, to guarantee (someone something).
WARRANT, verb. (transitive) To authorize; to give (someone) warrant or sanction (to do something).
WARRANT, verb. (transitive) To justify; to give grounds for.
WARRANT CANARIES, noun. Plural of warrant canary
WARRANT CANARY, noun. (US) A public notice that a service provider has not received a secret government subpoena for their customers' data that they would be prohibited from saying they had received.
WARRANT CARD, noun. (British) A police identification card, sometimes accompanied by a badge.
WARRANT CARDS, noun. Plural of warrant card
WARRANT OF ARREST, noun. Alternative form of arrest warrant
WARRANT OF ATTORNEY, noun. (US) (legal) A document in which someone admits liability for a debt and allows an attorney to admit this in court so that no action will be taken.
WARRANT OFFICER, noun. A member of a military organization having a rank between that of a commissioned and non-commissioned officer
WARRANT OFFICER 2, noun. Alternative form of warrant officer class 2
WARRANT OFFICER CLASS 1, noun. (Australia) (Army) A warrant officer in the Australian Army, ranking above warrant officer class 2 and below regimental sergeant major.
WARRANT OFFICER CLASS 1, noun. (UK) (Army) (Navy) (Marines) A warrant officer in the British Army, Royal Marines, and Royal Navy, ranking above warrant officer class 2. In the army the rank held by a regimental sergeant major.
WARRANT OFFICER CLASS 2, noun. (UK) NATO rank OR-8 in all British armed services.
WARRANT OFFICER CLASS 2, noun. (UK) (Army) A warrant officer in the British Army ranking above staff sergeant and below warrant officer class 1; company sergeant major
WARRANT OFFICER CLASS 2, noun. (UK) (Marines) A warrant officer in the Royal Marines ranking above colour sergeant and below warrant officer class 1.
WARRANT OFFICER CLASS 2, noun. (UK) (Navy) A warrant officer in the Royal Navy ranking above chief petty officer and below warrant officer class 1.
WARRANT OFFICER CLASS 2, noun. (Australia) (Army) A warrant officer in the Australian Army, ranking above sergeant and below warrant officer class 1.
WARRANT OFFICERS, noun. Plural of warrant officer
WARRANT OFFICERS CLASS 1, noun. Plural of warrant officer class 1
WARRANT OFFICERS CLASS 2, noun. Plural of warrant officer class 2
Dictionary definition
WARRANT, noun. A writ from a court commanding police to perform specified acts.
WARRANT, noun. A type of security issued by a corporation (usually together with a bond or preferred stock) that gives the holder the right to purchase a certain amount of common stock at a stated price; "as a sweetener they offered warrants along with the fixed-income securities".
WARRANT, noun. Formal and explicit approval; "a Democrat usually gets the union's endorsement".
WARRANT, noun. A written assurance that some product or service will be provided or will meet certain specifications.
WARRANT, verb. Show to be reasonable or provide adequate ground for; "The emergency does not warrant all of us buying guns"; "The end justifies the means".
WARRANT, verb. Stand behind and guarantee the quality, accuracy, or condition of; "The dealer warrants all the cars he sells"; "I warrant this information".
Wise words
We should have a great fewer disputes in the world if words
were taken for what they are, the signs of our ideas only,
and not for things themselves.