Associations to the word «Response»
- Stimulus
- Antigen
- Lymphocyte
- Stimulation
- Antibody
- Arousal
- Questionnaire
- Activation
- Neuron
- Inflammation
- Agonist
- Stress
- Reflex
- Apoptosis
- Inhibition
- Insulin
- Hormone
- Pathogen
- Receptor
- Signaling
- Respondent
- Dose
- Amplitude
- Emergency
- Neurotransmitter
- Placebo
- Impulse
- Cns
- Avoidance
- Hz
- Phosphorylation
- Cortex
- Conditioning
- Secretion
- Vaccine
- Feedback
- Estrogen
- Proliferation
- Kinase
- Contingency
- Coping
- Filter
- Crise
- Mediator
- Cue
- Opioid
- Spill
- Modulation
- Frequency
- Katrina
- Perturbation
- Glucose
- Immune
- Inflammatory
- Allergic
- Physiological
- Conditioned
- Reflex
- Adaptive
- Innate
- Neuronal
- Auditory
- Emergency
- Adrenal
- Inhibitory
- Neuron
- Cellular
- Behavioral
- Critical
- Intracellular
- Mediate
- Endogenous
- Emotional
- Receptive
- Sensory
- Endocrine
- Synaptic
- Cortical
- Systemic
- Extracellular
- Transient
- Pituitary
- Humanitarian
- Neural
- Prompt
- Nonlinear
- Metabolic
- Positive
- Instinctive
- Perceptual
RESPONSE, noun. An answer or reply, or something in the nature of an answer or reply.
RESPONSE, noun. The act of responding or replying; reply: as, to speak in response to a question.
RESPONSE, noun. An oracular answer.
RESPONSE, noun. (liturgics) A verse, sentence, phrase, or word said or sung by the choir or congregation in sequence or reply to the priest or officiant.
RESPONSE, noun. (liturgics) A versicle or anthem said or sung during or after a lection; a respond or responsory.
RESPONSE, noun. A reply to an objection in formal disputation.
RESPONSE, noun. An online advertising performance metric representing one click-through from an online ad to its destination URL.
RESPONSE, noun. A reaction to a stimulus or provocation.
RESPONSE TIME, noun. (biology) (medicine) The period of time between the application of a stimulus and the associated response from a cell or tissue
RESPONSE TIME, noun. The time taken for a person (or human-controlled system) to respond to a request
RESPONSE TIME, noun. (electronics) The time taken for the display of an instrument to move to a new value following a step change
RESPONSE TIME, noun. (computing) The period of time between a request for a service and the associated response; typically the request is caused by a user at a terminal hitting the return key, and the response is displayed on a screen
RESPONSE TIMES, noun. Plural of response time
Dictionary definition
RESPONSE, noun. A result; "this situation developed in response to events in Africa".
RESPONSE, noun. A bodily process occurring due to the effect of some antecedent stimulus or agent; "a bad reaction to the medicine"; "his responses have slowed with age".
RESPONSE, noun. A statement (either spoken or written) that is made to reply to a question or request or criticism or accusation; "I waited several days for his answer"; "he wrote replies to several of his critics".
RESPONSE, noun. The manner in which something is greeted; "she did not expect the cold reception she received from her superiors".
RESPONSE, noun. A phrase recited or sung by the congregation following a versicle by the priest or minister.
RESPONSE, noun. The speech act of continuing a conversational exchange; "he growled his reply".
RESPONSE, noun. The manner in which an electrical or mechanical device responds to an input signal or a range of input signals.
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