Associations to the word «Instinctive»
- Dread
- Aversion
- Dislike
- Shrinking
- Distrust
- Recoil
- Delicacy
- Tact
- Impulse
- Instinct
- Craving
- Lorenz
- Natural
- Urge
- Sympathy
- Tendency
- Reaction
- Avoidance
- Apprehension
- Perception
- Hatred
- Liking
- Conscious
- Propensity
- Tenderness
- Gesture
- Reluctance
- Grasp
- Modesty
- Caution
- Reasoning
- Feeling
- Drowning
- Desire
- Reverence
- Jealousy
- Prompting
- Intellect
- Resentment
- Deference
- Fear
- Consciousness
- Behavior
- Conservatism
- Sentiment
- Prudence
- Certainty
- Understanding
- Habit
- Stimulus
- Flying
- Affection
- Sense
- Preoccupation
- Readiness
- Awe
- Conviction
- Terror
- Superiority
- Emotion
- Inclination
- Familiarity
- Behaviour
- Crouch
- Instant
- Knowledge
- Obedience
INSTINCTIVE, adjective. Related to or prompted by instinct
INSTINCTIVE, adjective. Driven by impulse, spontaneous and without thinking.
INSTINCTIVE DRIFT, noun. The tendency of an organism to revert to instinctive behaviors that can interfere with the conditioned response
Dictionary definition
INSTINCTIVE, adjective. Unthinking; prompted by (or as if by) instinct; "a cat's natural aversion to water"; "offering to help was as instinctive as breathing".
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