Associations to the word «Conservatism»
- Liberalism
- Fascism
- Libertarian
- Socialism
- Nationalism
- Ideology
- Thatcher
- Communism
- Reagan
- Bastion
- Capitalism
- Conservative
- Orthodoxy
- Marxism
- Populist
- Confucianism
- Moderate
- Burke
- Adherence
- Imperialism
- Liberal
- Ism
- Neo
- Buckley
- Federalist
- Racism
- Aristocracy
- Democracy
- Colonialism
- Taft
- Progressive
- Semitism
- Conformity
- Materialism
- Romanticism
- Catholicism
- Feminism
- Intellectual
- Patriotism
- Modernism
- Radical
- Edmund
- Elite
- Tory
- Republican
- Ronald
- Tenet
- Monarchy
- Proponent
- Politics
- Tendency
- Liber
- Worldview
- Abortion
- Hegel
- Social
- Inertia
- Modernity
- Reform
- Anti
- Censorship
- Stronghold
- Revolutionary
CONSERVATISM, noun. A political philosophy that advocates traditional values.
CONSERVATISM, noun. A risk-averse attitude or approach.
Dictionary definition
CONSERVATISM, noun. A political or theological orientation advocating the preservation of the best in society and opposing radical changes.
Wise words
Speak clearly, if you speak at all; carve every word before
you let it fall.