Associations to the word «Vaccine»
- Vaccination
- Influenza
- Hepatitis
- Smallpox
- Flu
- Autism
- Antigen
- Virus
- Malaria
- Immunity
- Hiv
- Antibody
- Cholera
- Efficacy
- Antibiotic
- Aids
- Allergy
- Dose
- Tuberculosis
- Infection
- Fda
- Cine
- Pathogen
- Booster
- Swine
- Pneumonia
- Prevention
- Serum
- Strain
- Biological
- Tb
- Disease
- Jonas
- Subunit
- Placebo
- Pharmaceutical
- Biotechnology
- Lymphocyte
- Epidemic
- Injection
- Potency
- Regimen
- Wakefield
- Unicef
- Melinda
- Fever
- Incidence
- Toxin
- Cough
- Effectiveness
- Diarrhea
- Vial
- Microorganism
- Trial
- Chemotherapy
- Lancet
- Cancer
- Frazer
- Epidemiology
- Bacterium
- Microbe
- Lymph
- Peptide
- Parasite
- Transplantation
- Microbiology
- Syphilis
VACCINE, noun. (immunology) A substance given to stimulate the body's production of antibodies and provide immunity against a disease, prepared from the agent that causes the disease, or a synthetic substitute.
VACCINE POINT, noun. (medicine) (historical) A pointed piece of quill or bone covered at one end with vaccine matter.
VACCINE POINTS, noun. Plural of vaccine point
Dictionary definition
VACCINE, noun. Immunogen consisting of a suspension of weakened or dead pathogenic cells injected in order to stimulate the production of antibodies.
Wise words
One merit of poetry few persons will deny: it says more and
in fewer words than prose.