Associations to the word «Apparition»


APPARITION, noun. An act of becoming visible; appearance; visibility.
APPARITION, noun. The thing appearing; a visible object; a form.
APPARITION, noun. An unexpected, wonderful, or preternatural appearance; especially something such as a ghost or phantom.
APPARITION, noun. (astronomy) The first appearance of a star or other luminary after having been invisible or obscured;—opposed to occultation.
APPARITION, noun. (astronomy) A period of consecutive days or nights when a particular celestial body may be observed. An apparition begins with the heliacal rising of the body and ends with its heliacal setting.

Dictionary definition

APPARITION, noun. A ghostly appearing figure; "we were unprepared for the apparition that confronted us".
APPARITION, noun. The appearance of a ghostlike figure; "I was recalled to the present by the apparition of a frightening specter".
APPARITION, noun. Something existing in perception only; "a ghostly apparition at midnight".
APPARITION, noun. An act of appearing or becoming visible unexpectedly; "natives were amazed at the apparition of this white stranger".

Wise words

The most important things are the hardest things to say. They are the things you get ashamed of because words diminish your feelings - words shrink things that seem timeless when they are in your head to no more than living size when they are brought out.
Stephen King