Associations to the word «Familiar»
- Odor
- Singular
- Pronoun
- Witchcraft
- Scent
- Soothing
- Acquaintance
- Freshness
- Proverb
- Easy
- Repetition
- Tune
- Logo
- Smell
- Witch
- Sound
- Viewer
- Sight
- Inquisition
- Shape
- Imp
- Nostril
- Zero
- Tone
- Object
- Setting
- Charm
- Shaman
- Plural
- Magician
- Thou
- Familiar
- Toad
- Surrounding
- Tu
- Apprentice
- Apparition
- Overly
- Familiarity
- Handwriting
- Sorcerer
- Wizard
- Demon
- Haunt
- Odd
- Funny
- Quotation
- Intercourse
- Reader
- Salamander
- Superstition
FAMILIAR, adjective. Known to one.
FAMILIAR, adjective. Acquainted.
FAMILIAR, adjective. Intimate or friendly.
FAMILIAR, adjective. Inappropriately intimate or friendly.
FAMILIAR, adjective. Of or pertaining to a family; familial.
FAMILIAR, noun. (obsolete) A member of one's family or household.
FAMILIAR, noun. (obsolete) A close friend.
FAMILIAR, noun. An attendant spirit, often in animal form.
Dictionary definition
FAMILIAR, noun. A person attached to the household of a high official (as a pope or bishop) who renders service in return for support.
FAMILIAR, noun. A friend who is frequently in the company of another; "drinking companions"; "comrades in arms".
FAMILIAR, noun. A spirit (usually in animal form) that acts as an assistant to a witch or wizard.
FAMILIAR, adjective. Well known or easily recognized; "a familiar figure"; "familiar songs"; "familiar guests".
FAMILIAR, adjective. Within normal everyday experience; common and ordinary; not strange; "familiar ordinary objects found in every home"; "a familiar everyday scene"; "a familiar excuse"; "a day like any other filled with familiar duties and experiences".
FAMILIAR, adjective. (usually followed by `with') well informed about or knowing thoroughly; "conversant with business trends"; "familiar with the complex machinery"; "he was familiar with those roads".
FAMILIAR, adjective. Having mutual interests or affections; of established friendship; "on familiar terms"; "pretending she is on an intimate footing with those she slanders".
Wise words
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