Associations to the word «Dissipate»
- Landfall
- Convection
- Remnant
- Depression
- Utc
- Shear
- Tornado
- Azores
- Heat
- Cyclone
- Thunderstorm
- Storm
- Swirl
- Trough
- Fog
- Friction
- Mist
- Fume
- Typhoon
- Hurricane
- Gloom
- Transistor
- Circulation
- Energy
- Capacitor
- Cloud
- Advisory
- Fireball
- Vortex
- Rainfall
- Turbulence
- Mph
- Westerly
- Conductivity
- Scatter
- Newfoundland
- Cooler
- Smoke
- Antilles
- Gradient
- Vapour
- Diode
- Radiator
- Voltage
- Vapor
- Evaporation
- Bahamas
- Southwest
- Forecast
- Corona
- Overland
- Chlorine
DISSIPATE, verb. To drive away, disperse.
DISSIPATE, verb. To use up or waste.
DISSIPATE, verb. To vanish by dispersion.
Dictionary definition
DISSIPATE, verb. To cause to separate and go in different directions; "She waved her hand and scattered the crowds".
DISSIPATE, verb. Move away from each other; "The crowds dispersed"; "The children scattered in all directions when the teacher approached";.
DISSIPATE, verb. Spend frivolously and unwisely; "Fritter away one's inheritance".
DISSIPATE, verb. Live a life of pleasure, especially with respect to alcoholic consumption.
Wise words
Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events,
not of words. Trust movement.