Associations to the word «Static»
- Dynamic
- Hiss
- Electro
- Mixer
- Equilibrium
- Typing
- Friction
- Virgil
- Electricity
- Comm
- Burst
- Mechanics
- Subspace
- Stability
- Communicator
- Optimization
- Fluid
- Dynamics
- Milestone
- Meta
- Caravan
- Variable
- Superhero
- Interference
- Extraction
- Frequency
- Cannibal
- Display
- Shear
- Spark
- Vacuum
- Bang
- Analysis
- Voltage
- Load
- Distortion
- Equation
- Transmission
- Liquid
- Resonance
- Velocity
- Pressure
- Solid
- Lightning
- Feedback
- Spectroscopy
- Gravity
- Parameter
- Interface
- Programming
- Measurement
- Flow
- Model
- Universe
- Method
- Motion
- Component
- Device
- Appraisal
- Mechanic
- Dope
- Wayne
- Lullaby
- Duality
- Recourse
- Analyzer
- Stabilization
- Routing
- Compiler
- Buildup
- Optic
- Sonar
- Blur
STATIC, adjective. Unchanging; that cannot or does not change.
STATIC, adjective. Immobile; fixed in place; having no motion.
STATIC, adjective. (programming) Occupying fixed memory, allocated when a program is loaded.
STATIC, noun. Interference on a broadcast signal caused by atmospheric disturbances; heard as crackles on radio, or seen as random specks on television.
STATIC, noun. (by extension) Interference or obstruction from people.
STATIC, noun. Something that is not part of any perceived universe phenomena; having no motion; no particle; no wavelength.
STATIC, noun. Static electricity.
STATIC BINDING, noun. (programming) A form of binding that occurs before the program is run, typically at compile time.
STATIC CLASS, noun. (software) (object-oriented) A class that cannot be instantiated.
STATIC CLASSES, noun. Plural of static class
STATIC DISPATCH, noun. (computing) A dispatch method where the implementation of a function or method is assigned during compile time.
STATIC DISPATCHES, noun. Plural of static dispatch
STATIC ELECTRICITY, noun. An electric charge that has built up on an insulated body, often due to friction.
STATIC ELECTRICITY, noun. The electric discharge from such a body.
STATIC ELECTRICITY, noun. (physics) Electrostatics.
STATIC EQUILIBRIUM, noun. (physics) Any system in which the sum of the forces, and torque, on each particle of the system is zero; mechanical equilibrium.
STATIC EQUILIBRIUM, noun. (economics) A market in which demand and supply are the same.
STATIC KILL, noun. (oil industry) a method of closing an oil well, in which the blowout preventer has been tripped and has closed off oil flow; by pumping in drilling fluid (synthetic mud) through the blowout preventer down the borehole, to push down the artesian oil to contain the oil in its reservoir, and following with concrete (cement) to plug the hole;
STATIC LINE, noun. (parachuting) The cord attached from the parachute pack to the plane, used to automatically deploy the parachute.
STATIC LINES, noun. Plural of static line
STATIC LOAD, noun. (construction) Any load, as on a structure, that does not change in magnitude or position with time.
STATIC LOADS, noun. Plural of static load
STATIC MEMORY ALLOCATION, noun. (computing) The process of allocating fixed memory at compile time.
STATIC MEMORY ALLOCATIONS, noun. Plural of static memory allocation
STATIC RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY, noun. Static RAM is used for the cache memory and registers in computer systems. SRAM typically requires four or six transistors per bit, making it substantially more expensive than DRAM, which usually requires one transistor per bit. SRAM is able to operate at higher speeds than DRAM, and does not require refreshing.
STATIC SCOPING, noun. (programming) The property of being statically scoped.
STATIC SITE, noun. (Internet) A web site that does not make use of server-side scripting or coding to display information. Typical examples of static sites include small business' web sites that act basically as on-line brochures.
STATIC SITES, noun. Plural of static site
STATIC TYPING, noun. (computing) (programming) A system in which type checking is performed during compilation and not at run time, opposed to dynamic typing.
Dictionary definition
STATIC, noun. A crackling or hissing noise caused by electrical interference.
STATIC, noun. Angry criticism; "they will probably give you a lot of static about your editorial".
STATIC, adjective. Not in physical motion; "the inertia of an object at rest".
STATIC, adjective. Concerned with or producing or caused by static electricity; "an electrostatic generator produces high-voltage static electricity".
STATIC, adjective. Showing little if any change; "a static population".
Wise words
Much wisdom often goes with fewest words.