Associations to the word «Drift»


DRIFT, noun. (physical) Movement; that which moves or is moved.
DRIFT, noun. (obsolete) A driving; a violent movement.
DRIFT, noun. Course or direction along which anything is driven; setting.
DRIFT, noun. That which is driven, forced, or urged along.
DRIFT, noun. Anything driven at random.
DRIFT, noun. A mass of matter which has been driven or forced onward together in a body, or thrown together in a heap, etc., especially by wind or water.
DRIFT, noun. The distance through which a current flows in a given time.
DRIFT, noun. A drove or flock, as of cattle, sheep, birds.
DRIFT, noun. A collection of loose earth and rocks, or boulders, which have been distributed over large portions of the earth's surface, especially in latitudes north of forty degrees, by the retreat of continental glaciers, such as that which buries former river valleys and creates young river valleys.
DRIFT, noun. Driftwood included in flotsam washed up onto the beach.
DRIFT, noun. The act or motion of drifting; the force which impels or drives; an overpowering influence or impulse.
DRIFT, noun. A place (a ford) along a river where the water is shallow enough to permit crossing to the opposite side.
DRIFT, noun. The tendency of an act, argument, course of conduct, or the like; object aimed at or intended; intention; hence, also, import or meaning of a sentence or discourse; aim.
DRIFT, noun. (architecture) The horizontal thrust or pressure of an arch or vault upon the abutments.
DRIFT, noun. (handiwork) A tool.
DRIFT, noun. A slightly tapered tool of steel for enlarging or shaping a hole in metal, by being forced or driven into or through it; a broach.
DRIFT, noun. A tool used in driving down compactly the composition contained in a rocket, or like firework.
DRIFT, noun. A deviation from the line of fire, peculiar to oblong projectiles.
DRIFT, noun. (mining) A passage driven or cut between shaft and shaft; a driftway; a small subterranean gallery; an adit or tunnel.
DRIFT, noun. (nautical) Movement.
DRIFT, noun. The angle which the line of a ship's motion makes with the meridian, in drifting.
DRIFT, noun. The distance to which a vessel is carried off from her desired course by the wind, currents, or other causes.
DRIFT, noun. The place in a deep-waisted vessel where the sheer is raised and the rail is cut off, and usually terminated with a scroll, or driftpiece.
DRIFT, noun. The distance between the two blocks of a tackle.
DRIFT, noun. The difference between the size of a bolt and the hole into which it is driven, or between the circumference of a hoop and that of the mast on which it is to be driven.
DRIFT, noun. (cricket) A sideways movement of the ball through the air, when bowled by a spin bowler.
DRIFT, verb. (intransitive) To move slowly, especially pushed by currents of water, air, etc.
DRIFT, verb. (intransitive) To move haphazardly without any destination.
DRIFT, verb. (intransitive) To deviate gently from the intended direction of travel.
DRIFT, verb. (transitive) To drive or carry, as currents do a floating body.
DRIFT, verb. (transitive) To drive into heaps.
DRIFT, verb. (intransitive) To accumulate in heaps by the force of wind; to be driven into heaps.
DRIFT, verb. (mining) (US) To make a drift; to examine a vein or ledge for the purpose of ascertaining the presence of metals or ores; to follow a vein; to prospect.
DRIFT, verb. (transitive) (engineering) To enlarge or shape, as a hole, with a drift.
DRIFT, verb. To oversteer a vehicle, causing loss of traction, while maintaining control from entry to exit of a corner. See Drifting (motorsport).
DRIFT APART, verb. (idiomatic) (intransitive) (of companions) To lose contact, to lose one's friendship or closeness.
DRIFT ICE, noun. One or more floating slabs of ice which have become detached from larger sheets or shoreline glaciers and which are moved by wind or sea currents.
DRIFT NET, noun. (fishing) A very long fishing net, supported by floats, that drifts with the current behind a fishing boat
DRIFT OF THE FOREST, noun. (UK) (legal) (obsolete) An examination or view of the cattle in a forest, in order to see whose they are and whether they are commonable, and to determine whether or not the forest is surcharged.
DRIFT OFF, verb. (intransitive) (idiomatic) To fall asleep slowly.
DRIFT OFF, verb. (intransitive) (idiomatic) To lose concentration.
DRIFT SPACE, noun. The space in an electron tube in which there is no modulated field
DRIFT SPACES, noun. Plural of drift space

Dictionary definition

DRIFT, noun. A force that moves something along.
DRIFT, noun. The gradual departure from an intended course due to external influences (as a ship or plane).
DRIFT, noun. A process of linguistic change over a period of time.
DRIFT, noun. A large mass of material that is heaped up by the wind or by water currents.
DRIFT, noun. A general tendency to change (as of opinion); "not openly liberal but that is the trend of the book"; "a broad movement of the electorate to the right".
DRIFT, noun. The pervading meaning or tenor; "caught the general drift of the conversation".
DRIFT, noun. A horizontal (or nearly horizontal) passageway in a mine; "they dug a drift parallel with the vein".
DRIFT, verb. Be in motion due to some air or water current; "The leaves were blowing in the wind"; "the boat drifted on the lake"; "The sailboat was adrift on the open sea"; "the shipwrecked boat drifted away from the shore".
DRIFT, verb. Wander from a direct course or at random; "The child strayed from the path and her parents lost sight of her"; "don't drift from the set course".
DRIFT, verb. Move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment; "The gypsies roamed the woods"; "roving vagabonds"; "the wandering Jew"; "The cattle roam across the prairie"; "the laborers drift from one town to the next"; "They rolled from town to town".
DRIFT, verb. Vary or move from a fixed point or course; "stock prices are drifting higher".
DRIFT, verb. Live unhurriedly, irresponsibly, or freely; "My son drifted around for years in California before going to law school".
DRIFT, verb. Move in an unhurried fashion; "The unknown young man drifted among the invited guests".
DRIFT, verb. Cause to be carried by a current; "drift the boats downstream".
DRIFT, verb. Drive slowly and far afield for grazing; "drift the cattle herds westwards".
DRIFT, verb. Be subject to fluctuation; "The stock market drifted upward".
DRIFT, verb. Be piled up in banks or heaps by the force of wind or a current; "snow drifting several feet high"; "sand drifting like snow".

Wise words

Words to me were magic. You could say a word and it could conjure up all kinds of images or feelings or a chilly sensation or whatever. It was amazing to me that words had this power.
Amy Tan