Associations to the word «Cooler»


COOLER, noun. (countable) Anything which cools.
COOLER, noun. (countable) An insulated bin or box used with ice or freezer packs to keep food or beverages cold while picnicking or camping.
COOLER, noun. (US) (countable or uncountable) A mixed drink, especially one served chilled.
COOLER, noun. (US) (slang) A prison.
COOLER, noun. (poker) (colloquial) A cold deck.
COOLER, noun. (countable) A bouncer or doorman.
COOLER, adjective. Comparative form of cool: more cool

Dictionary definition

COOLER, noun. A refrigerator for cooling liquids.
COOLER, noun. An iced drink especially white wine and fruit juice.
COOLER, noun. A cell for violent prisoners.

Wise words

If you wish to know the mind of a man, listen to his words.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe