Associations to the word «Cloudy»


CLOUDY, adjective. Covered with or characterised by clouds; overcast.
CLOUDY, adjective. Not transparent or clear.
CLOUDY, adjective. Uncertain; unclear.
CLOUDY WING VIRUS, noun. An icosahedral virus commonly found in honey bees, especially in collapsing colonies infested with Varroa destructor.

Dictionary definition

CLOUDY, adjective. Lacking definite form or limits; "gropes among cloudy issues toward a feeble conclusion"- H.T.Moore; "nebulous distinction between pride and conceit".
CLOUDY, adjective. Full of or covered with clouds; "cloudy skies".
CLOUDY, adjective. (of liquids) clouded as with sediment; "a cloudy liquid"; "muddy coffee"; "murky waters".

Wise words

He that hath knowledge spareth his words.
Francis Bacon