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Associations to the word «Hinder»


HINDER, verb. (transitive) To make difficult to accomplish; to frustrate, act as obstacle.
HINDER, verb. (transitive) To keep back; to delay or impede; to prevent.
HINDER, verb. (transitive) (obsolete) To cause harm.
HINDER, adjective. Of or belonging to that part or end which is in the rear or hind, or which follows.
HINDER, adjective. Comparative form of hind: more hind
HINDER, noun. (slang) (euphemistic) The buttocks.

Dictionary definition

HINDER, verb. Be a hindrance or obstacle to; "She is impeding the progress of our project".
HINDER, verb. Hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of; "His brother blocked him at every turn".
HINDER, verb. Put at a disadvantage; "The brace I have to wear is hindering my movements".
HINDER, adjective. Located at or near the back of an animal; "back (or hind) legs"; "the hinder part of a carcass".

Wise words

There is no sickness worse for me than words that to be kind must lie.