Associations to the word «Irritation»


IRRITATION, noun. The act of irritating, or exciting, or the state of being irritated; excitement; stimulation, usually of an undue and uncomfortable kind; especially, excitement of anger or passion; provocation; annoyance; anger.
IRRITATION, noun. The act of exciting, or the condition of being excited to action, by stimulation; -- as, the condition of an organ of sense, when its nerve is affected by some external body; especially, the act of exciting muscle fibers to contraction, by artificial stimulation; as, the irritation of a motor nerve by electricity; also, the condition of a muscle and nerve, under such stimulation.
IRRITATION, noun. A condition of morbid excitability or oversensitiveness of an organ or part of the body; a state in which the application of ordinary stimuli produces pain or excessive or vitiated action.

Dictionary definition

IRRITATION, noun. The psychological state of being irritated or annoyed.
IRRITATION, noun. A sudden outburst of anger; "his temper sparked like damp firewood".
IRRITATION, noun. (pathology) abnormal sensitivity to stimulation; "any food produced irritation of the stomach".
IRRITATION, noun. The neural or electrical arousal of an organ or muscle or gland.
IRRITATION, noun. An uncomfortable feeling of mental painfulness or distress.
IRRITATION, noun. Unfriendly behavior that causes anger or resentment.
IRRITATION, noun. The act of troubling or annoying someone.

Wise words

Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill.