Associations to the word «Annoyance»


ANNOYANCE, noun. (countable) That which annoys.
ANNOYANCE, noun. (countable) An act or instance of annoying.
ANNOYANCE, noun. (uncountable) The psychological state of being annoyed or irritated.

Dictionary definition

ANNOYANCE, noun. The psychological state of being irritated or annoyed.
ANNOYANCE, noun. Anger produced by some annoying irritation.
ANNOYANCE, noun. An unpleasant person who is annoying or exasperating.
ANNOYANCE, noun. Something or someone that causes trouble; a source of unhappiness; "washing dishes was a nuisance before we got a dish washer"; "a bit of a bother"; "he's not a friend, he's an infliction".
ANNOYANCE, noun. The act of troubling or annoying someone.

Wise words

Life has no meaning unless one lives it with a will, at least to the limit of one's will. Virtue, good, evil are nothing but words, unless one takes them apart in order to build something with them; they do not win their true meaning until one knows how to apply them.
Paul Gauguin