Associations to the word «Disagreeable»
- Falsehood
- Taste
- Render
- Weather
- Manner
- Fault
- Odor
- Odour
- Duty
- Thing
- Conversation
- Offensive
- Flavour
- Person
- Sensation
- Smell
- Uneasiness
- Impression
- Necessity
- Dislike
- Countenance
- Predicament
- Politeness
- Disposition
- Anything
- Palate
- Something
- Filth
- Annoyance
- Caprice
- Misery
- Interruption
- Peculiarity
- Sarcasm
- Temper
- Inconvenience
- Exertion
- Consequence
- Levin
- Aversion
- Tact
- Recollection
- Altogether
- Stink
- Disgust
DISAGREEABLE, adjective. Not agreeable, conformable, or congruous; contrary; unsuitable.
DISAGREEABLE, adjective. Exciting repugnance; offensive to the feelings or senses; displeasing; unpleasant.
DISAGREEABLE, noun. Something displeasing; anything that is disagreeable.
Dictionary definition
DISAGREEABLE, adjective. Not to your liking; "a disagreeable situation".
DISAGREEABLE, adjective. Unpleasant to interact with; "a disagreeable old man".
DISAGREEABLE, adjective. Not agreeing with your tastes or expectations; "found the task disagreeable and decided to abandon it"; "a job temperamentally unsympathetic to him".
Wise words
Words, words, words! They shut one off from the universe.
Three quarters of the time one's never in contact with
things, only with the beastly words that stand for them.