Associations to the word «Austere»
- Penance
- Cistercian
- Exterior
- Simplicity
- Simple
- Rishi
- Demeanor
- Austerity
- Lifestyle
- Hermit
- Piety
- Regimen
- Puritan
- Countenance
- Facade
- Spare
- Observance
- Contemplation
- Grandeur
- Sanctity
- Baroque
- Brahma
- Deco
- Cato
- Monk
- Splendour
- Eloquence
- Silent
- Sweetness
- Vow
- Devotion
- Virtue
- Purity
- Indra
- Morality
- Magnificence
- Fond
- Decoration
- Practise
- Discipline
- Moral
- Severity
- Devotee
- Dignity
- Monastery
- Plum
- Nun
- Beauty
- Repentance
- Frown
- Cornice
- Restraint
- Ascetic
- Neoclassical
- Dignified
- Monastic
- Rigorous
- Genial
- Rigid
- Devout
- Outrageous
- Haughty
- Stern
- Gloomy
- Harsh
- Majestic
- Sober
- Lavish
- Pious
- Strict
- Stark
- Imposing
- Lofty
- Sombre
- Serene
- Aristocratic
- Sage
- Luxurious
- Devotional
- Imaginative
- Elegant
- Monumental
- Baroque
- Passionate
- Practised
- Exterior
- Spartan
- Romanesque
- Solemn
- Refined
- Aloof
- Sensual
- Furnished
- Decorative
- Virtuous
AUSTERE, adjective. Grim or severe in manner or appearance
AUSTERE, adjective. Lacking trivial decoration; not extravagant or gaudy
Dictionary definition
AUSTERE, adjective. Severely simple; "a stark interior".
AUSTERE, adjective. Of a stern or strict bearing or demeanor; forbidding in aspect; "an austere expression"; "a stern face".
AUSTERE, adjective. Practicing great self-denial; "Be systematically for no other reason than that you would rather not do it"- William James; "a desert nomad's austere life"; "a spartan diet"; "a spartan existence".
Wise words
More wisdom is latent in things as they are than in all the
words men use.