Associations to the word «Perplexity»
- Distress
- Annoyance
- Frown
- Brow
- Camilla
- Deliverance
- Uneasiness
- Quixote
- Consternation
- Confusion
- Embarrassment
- Sorrow
- Wrinkle
- Perceiving
- Astonishment
- Anxiety
- Midst
- Anguish
- Nimitz
- Countenance
- Knit
- Moustache
- Sancho
- Doubt
- Dismay
- Supposing
- Visage
- Suspense
- Irritation
- Rowland
- Difficulty
- Disappointment
- Apprehension
- Hearer
- Counsel
- Trouble
- Agitation
- Uncertainty
- Forehead
- Grief
- Composure
- Dilemma
- Expression
- Sincerity
- Staring
- Hesitation
- Sadness
- Riddle
- Loneliness
- Alarm
- Affliction
- Conjecture
- Toulon
- Amusement
- Temptation
PERPLEXITY, noun. The state or quality of being perplexed; puzzled or confused.
PERPLEXITY, noun. Something that perplexes.
PERPLEXITY, noun. A measurement in information theory: see Perplexity.
Dictionary definition
PERPLEXITY, noun. Trouble or confusion resulting from complexity.
Wise words
We should have a great fewer disputes in the world if words
were taken for what they are, the signs of our ideas only,
and not for things themselves.