Associations to the word «Inquiring»
- Stranger
- Reply
- Answer
- Expression
- Mind
- Gentleman
- Glance
- Eyebrow
- Lady
- Letter
- Cause
- Whereabouts
- Gaze
- Perplexity
- Churchman
- Inquiry
- Proctor
- Particular
- Guts
- Curiosity
- Humility
- Astonishment
- Ufo
- Diligence
- Coleridge
- Thorpe
- Refrain
- Comer
- Persistence
- Trophi
- Look
- Turning
- Disposition
- Glancing
- Interrogation
- Lodging
- Stare
- Lordship
- Countenance
- Or
- Anybody
- Wish
- Person
- Acquaintance
- Personage
- Quixote
- Subject
- Tone
- Trifle
- Amazement
- Smile
INQUIRING, verb. Present participle of inquire
Dictionary definition
INQUIRING, noun. A request for information.
INQUIRING, adjective. Given to inquiry; "an inquiring mind".
Wise words
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