Associations to the word «Amazement»
- Exclamation
- Consternation
- Gasp
- Indignation
- Quixote
- Staring
- Awe
- Stare
- Disbelief
- Sancho
- Gaping
- Admiration
- Astonishment
- Disgust
- Dismay
- Hearer
- Horror
- Langdon
- Countenance
- Delight
- Murmur
- Garion
- Wonder
- Terror
- Shaking
- Alarm
- Curiosity
- Shriek
- Fright
- Apparition
- Senor
- Anger
- Housekeeper
- Composure
- Burst
- Cry
- Shock
- Sprang
- Elayne
- Amusement
- Spectacle
- Expression
- Drow
AMAZEMENT, noun. (uncountable) The condition of being amazed; overwhelming wonder, as from surprise, sudden fear, horror, or admiration; astonishment.
AMAZEMENT, noun. (countable) (archaic) A particular feeling of wonder, surprise, fear, or horror.
AMAZEMENT, noun. (countable) (dated) Something which amazes.
AMAZEMENT, noun. (obsolete) Madness, frenzy.
Dictionary definition
AMAZEMENT, noun. The feeling that accompanies something extremely surprising; "he looked at me in astonishment".
Wise words
The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as
effective as a rightly timed pause.