Associations to the word «Speechless»
- Amazement
- Astonishment
- Indignation
- Agony
- Consternation
- Pale
- Dismay
- Staring
- Awe
- Rage
- Gratitude
- Trembling
- Fright
- Horror
- Admiration
- Shock
- Rapture
- Rafe
- Adoration
- Terror
- Surprise
- Sob
- Moment
- Fury
- Wrath
- Sorrow
- Langdon
- Grief
- Cramer
- Shouting
- Seldon
- Anger
- Woe
- Stare
- Perplexity
- Despair
- Chapman
- Ecstasy
- Emotion
- Sudden
- Joy
- Render
- Pug
- Anguish
- Instant
- Mara
- Damien
- Misery
- Tear
- Wonder
- Delight
SPEECHLESS, adjective. Not speaking; not knowing what to say; silent, especially due to surprise, amazement, etc.
Dictionary definition
SPEECHLESS, adjective. Temporarily incapable of speaking; "struck dumb"; "speechless with shock".
Wise words
One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life. That
word is love.