Associations to the word «Gaga»
- Katy
- Spears
- Poker
- Lady
- Madonna
- Alejandro
- Elton
- Mtv
- Applause
- Cher
- Bennett
- Christina
- Born
- Pea
- Perry
- Dope
- Clarkson
- Choreography
- Monster
- Justin
- Lopez
- Adele
- Maroon
- Alicia
- Mcqueen
- Video
- Usher
- Synth
- Fame
- Pink
- Glee
- Til
- Knowles
- Grammy
- Angelina
- Cyrus
- Celebrity
- Fay
- Thanksgiving
- Dion
- Gwen
- Outfit
- Bowie
- Telephone
- Interlude
- Snoop
- Manson
- Hilton
- Jennifer
- Nelly
- Ball
- Swift
- Electro
- Wig
- Fragrance
- Rendition
- Parody
- Jessie
- Diva
- Songwriting
- Gomez
- Pop
- Persona
- Carey
- Magdalene
- Backdrop
- Dancer
- Costume
- Choreographer
- Dance
- Billboard
- Songwriter
- Bon
- Whitney
- Ballroom
- Chorus
- Bruno
- Cheryl
- Sal
- Swine
- Brit
- Song
- Superstar
- Duet
GAGA, adjective. (informal) Mentally senile.
GAGA, adjective. (informal) Crazy.
GAGA, adjective. (informal) Infatuated.
Dictionary definition
GAGA, adjective. Mentally or physically infirm with age; "his mother was doddering and frail".
GAGA, adjective. Intensely enthusiastic about or preoccupied with; "crazy about cars and racing"; "he is potty about her".
Wise words
When ideas fail, words come in very handy.