Associations to the word «Trembling»


TREMBLING, noun. A tremble
TREMBLING, verb. Present participle of tremble
TREMBLING POPLAR, noun. The aspen.
TREMBLING POPLARS, noun. Plural of trembling poplar

Dictionary definition

TREMBLING, noun. A shaky motion; "the shaking of his fingers as he lit his pipe".
TREMBLING, adjective. Vibrating slightly and irregularly; as e.g. with fear or cold or like the leaves of an aspen in a breeze; "a quaking bog"; "the quaking child asked for more"; "quivering leaves of a poplar tree"; "with shaking knees"; "seemed shaky on her feet"; "sparkling light from the shivering crystals of the chandelier"; "trembling hands".

Wise words

Words may show a man's wit but actions his meaning.
Benjamin Franklin