Associations to the word «Curious»
- Coincidence
- Anecdote
- Antiquary
- Particular
- Stare
- Glance
- Sensation
- Button
- Peculiarity
- Superstition
- Spectacle
- Throng
- Curiosity
- Mixture
- Resemblance
- Lore
- Fascination
- Relic
- Conscious
- Anomaly
- Reluctance
- Novelty
- Personage
- Incident
- Gait
- Ornament
- Passer
- Valuable
- Eagerness
- Reminiscence
- Odour
- Specimen
- Benjamin
- Epitaph
- Thrill
- Connexion
- Gaze
- Blend
- Spectator
- Phenomenon
- Conceit
- Enquiry
- Rarity
- Bystander
- Traveller
- Ingenuity
- Balzac
- Custom
- Antiquity
- Niall
- Circumstance
- Carving
- Remark
- Peep
- Indifference
CURIOUS, adjective. (obsolete) Fastidious, particular; demanding a high standard of excellence, difficult to satisfy.
CURIOUS, adjective. Inquisitive; tending to ask questions, investigate, or explore.
CURIOUS, adjective. Prompted by curiosity.
CURIOUS, adjective. Unusual; odd; out of the ordinary; bizarre.
CURIOUS, adjective. (archaic) Exhibiting care or nicety; artfully constructed; elaborate; wrought with elegance or skill.
Dictionary definition
CURIOUS, adjective. Beyond or deviating from the usual or expected; "a curious hybrid accent"; "her speech has a funny twang"; "they have some funny ideas about war"; "had an odd name"; "the peculiar aromatic odor of cloves"; "something definitely queer about this town"; "what a rum fellow"; "singular behavior".
CURIOUS, adjective. Eager to investigate and learn or learn more (sometimes about others' concerns); "a curious child is a teacher's delight"; "a trap door that made me curious"; "curious investigators"; "traffic was slowed by curious rubberneckers"; "curious about the neighbor's doings".
CURIOUS, adjective. Having curiosity aroused; eagerly interested in learning more; "a trap door that made me curious".
Wise words
Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed.
Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be