Associations to the word «Resemblance»
- Locale
- Bore
- Bear
- Likeness
- Coincidence
- Startling
- Similarity
- Analogy
- Any
- Incident
- Imitation
- Epithet
- Coloration
- Caricature
- Borrowing
- Styling
- Portrait
- Nickname
- Countenance
- Handwriting
- Original
- Shrew
- Tracing
- Affinity
- Riff
- Peculiarity
- Visage
- Faint
- Complexion
- Passing
- Universal
- Parallel
- Names
- Character
- Metaphor
- Snout
- Particular
- Counterpart
- Closer
- Camouflage
- Moustache
- Personage
- Uncanny
- Superficial
- Striking
- Fancied
- Fanciful
- Unmistakable
- Bearing
- Facial
- Accidental
- Fictitious
- Portrayed
- Remarkable
- Stylistic
- Familial
- Fictional
- Vague
- Actual
- Eerie
- Betwixt
- Slight
- Morphological
- Singular
- Strong
- Babylonian
- Humanoid
- Faint
- Noticeable
- Phonetic
- Physical
- Marvellous
- Close
- Grotesque
- Curious
- Melodic
- Unrelated
- Imaginary
- Obvious
- Lexical
- Alike
- Rude
- Extraordinary
- Terrestrial
- Semitic
- Blonde
- Astonishing
- Reminiscent
RESEMBLANCE, noun. The quality or state of resembling; likeness; similitude; similarity.
RESEMBLANCE, noun. That which resembles, or is similar; a representation; a likeness.
RESEMBLANCE, noun. A comparison; a simile.
RESEMBLANCE, noun. Probability; verisimilitude.
Dictionary definition
RESEMBLANCE, noun. Similarity in appearance or external or superficial details.
Wise words
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