Associations to the word «Playful»
- Kitten
- Antic
- Loving
- Puppy
- Fun
- Mood
- Satire
- Humor
- Humour
- Prank
- Irony
- Allusion
- Swat
- Wit
- Pathos
- Pun
- Mockery
- Sarcasm
- Fancy
- Mirth
- Tenderness
- Gentle
- Innocent
- Seriousness
- Pitchfork
- Growl
- Sensibility
- Paw
- Optimism
- Thump
- Collage
- Vibe
- Friendly
- Joke
- Tone
- Fond
- Gallantry
- Shove
- Melody
- Reviewer
- Earnestness
- Temperament
- Otter
- Rhyme
- Enjoyment
- Improvisation
- Lyric
- Synth
- Mischief
- Parody
- Fresh
- Retort
- Pet
- Pretty
- Sexuality
PLAYFUL, adjective. Liking play, prone to play frequently, such as a child or kitten; rather sportive.
PLAYFUL, adjective. Funny, humorous, jesting, frolicsome.
PLAYFUL, adjective. Fun, recreational, not serious.
PLAYFUL, adjective. Experimental.
Dictionary definition
PLAYFUL, adjective. Full of fun and high spirits; "playful children just let loose from school".
Wise words
Words, like nature, half reveal and half conceal the soul