Associations to the word «Playful»
- Monkey
- Programmer
- Hacker
- Conversation
- Exploration
- Remark
- Cat
- Gasp
- Dylan
- Verse
- Creature
- Genre
- Attitude
- Easy
- Rendition
- Toy
- Spirit
- Cally
- Rhythm
- Poetry
- Ballad
- Charm
- Bright
- Realism
- Nell
- Style
- Tune
- Fairy
- Sally
- Krishna
- Theme
- Touch
- Dancing
- Rolling
- Essayist
- Dog
- Disposition
- Interaction
- Clown
- Scorn
- Countenance
- Trick
- Sweet
- Disregard
- Boast
- Limerick
- Poem
- Intercourse
- Tango
- Fascination
- Hop
- Duet
- Indulgence
- Contrast
PLAYFUL, adjective. Liking play, prone to play frequently, such as a child or kitten; rather sportive.
PLAYFUL, adjective. Funny, humorous, jesting, frolicsome.
PLAYFUL, adjective. Fun, recreational, not serious.
PLAYFUL, adjective. Experimental.
Dictionary definition
PLAYFUL, adjective. Full of fun and high spirits; "playful children just let loose from school".
Wise words
A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword.