Associations to the word «Limerick»


LIMERICK, noun. A humourous, often bawdy verse of five anapaestic lines, with the rhyme scheme aabba, and typically has a 9–9–6–6–9 cadence.
LIMERICK, proper noun. A county in the Republic of Ireland.
LIMERICK, proper noun. A town in the county of Limerick
LIMERICK HAM, noun. Bacon smoked over juniper branches, boiled in cider, and baked for crispiness.
LIMERICK HAMS, noun. Plural of Limerick ham

Dictionary definition

LIMERICK, noun. Port city in southwestern Ireland.
LIMERICK, noun. A humorous verse form of 5 anapestic lines with a rhyme scheme aabba.

Wise words

Love. Fall in love and stay in love. Write only what you love, and love what you write. The key word is love. You have to get up in the morning and write something you love, something to live for.
Ray Bradbury