Associations to the word «Disregard»
- Warning
- Rigor
- Rights
- Neutrality
- Injunction
- Advice
- Defendant
- Obligation
- Instruction
- Danger
- Conduct
- Consequence
- Testimony
- Opinion
- Constitution
- Rule
- Treaty
- Truth
- Principle
- Law
- Privilege
- Authority
- Disregard
- Duty
- Malice
- Vo
- Decency
- Negligence
- Entreaty
- Libel
- Indifference
- Etiquette
- Contempt
- Neglect
- Propriety
- Greed
- Am
- Numbers
- Violation
- Gale
- Carcinoma
- Mahmud
- Index
- Sanctity
- Lymphoma
- Abd
- Overlook
- Peculiarity
- Welfare
- Brutality
- Disdain
- Coolness
- Plaintiff
- Nursing
- Leukemia
- Omission
- Safety
- Righteousness
- Forgetting
- Juror
- Interruption
- Jury
- Heroism
DISREGARD, noun. The act or state of deliberately not paying attention or caring about; misregard.
DISREGARD, verb. To ignore; misregard.
Dictionary definition
DISREGARD, noun. Lack of attention and due care.
DISREGARD, noun. Willful lack of care and attention.
DISREGARD, verb. Refuse to acknowledge; "She cut him dead at the meeting".
DISREGARD, verb. Bar from attention or consideration; "She dismissed his advances".
DISREGARD, verb. Give little or no attention to; "Disregard the errors".
Wise words
One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life. That
word is love.