Associations to the word «Delegation»


DELEGATION, noun. An act of delegating.
DELEGATION, noun. A group of delegates used to discuss issues with an opponent.
DELEGATION, noun. (computing): A method dispatching technique describing the lookup and inheritance rules for self-referential calls.
DELEGATION, noun. (legal): A contract whereby the original debtor substitutes a new debtor in his stead, with the creditor’s permission.
DELEGATION LANGUAGE, noun. (computing) A programming language that supports prototype-based programming.
DELEGATION LANGUAGES, noun. Plural of delegation language

Dictionary definition

DELEGATION, noun. A group of representatives or delegates.
DELEGATION, noun. Authorizing subordinates to make certain decisions.

Wise words

Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.
Lao Tzu