Associations to the word «Paralympic»
- Wheelchair
- Discus
- Aquatic
- Olympic
- Athlete
- Summer
- Beijing
- Medallist
- Swimmer
- Javelin
- Skier
- Australian
- Sclerosis
- Skiing
- Freestyle
- Sitting
- Archery
- Sledge
- Slalom
- Winter
- Cycling
- Medal
- Impairment
- Athens
- Judo
- Disability
- Blindness
- Para
- Delegation
- Torino
- Medalist
- Swimming
- Whistler
- Sprint
- Classification
- Relay
- Janeiro
- Athletics
- Competitor
- Vancouver
- Committee
- Rowing
- Rio
- Seoul
- Fencing
- Mbe
- Sprinter
- Marathon
- Bronze
- Innsbruck
- Volleyball
- Cyclist
- Heidelberg
- Weightlifting
- Multiple
- Metre
- Olympics
- Turin
- Game
- Cauldron
- Atlanta
- Craven
- Category
- Sydney
- Overlap
- Sailing
- Gb
- Athletic
- Tennis
- Barcelona
- Event
- Doping
- Rower
- Wr
- Mascot
- Butterfly
- Aviv
- Oceania
- Ukrainian
PARALYMPIC, adjective. Pertaining to the Paralympics and their participants, staff etc.
PARALYMPIC, adjective. Pertaining to the Paralympics and their participants, staff etc.
PARALYMPIC GAMES, proper noun. An international sports competition for people with physical disabilities
Wise words
However many holy words you read, however many you speak,
what good will they do you if you do not act on upon them?