Associations to the word «Whistler»
- Ruskin
- Abbott
- Etching
- Sargent
- Shrike
- Vancouver
- Gondola
- Wilde
- Whistling
- Godwin
- Thrush
- Gretchen
- Skiing
- Gustave
- Libel
- Paralympic
- Mangrove
- Flycatcher
- Rex
- Winslow
- British
- Fawn
- Columbia
- Laurence
- Xp
- Resort
- Engraver
- Tit
- Warbler
- Slalom
- Ski
- Alta
- Peacock
- Sitter
- Auguste
- Rosalind
- Kingfisher
- Beatrice
- Caricature
- Oriole
- Alphonse
- Parrot
- Ripper
- Reaper
- Chum
- Whistle
- James
- Portrait
- Weasel
- Trask
- Olympics
- Mountaineer
- Olive
- Oscar
- Watercolor
- Palette
- Winter
- Watts
- Painting
- Wren
- Painter
- Ethel
- Camille
- Buffy
- Maroon
- Skier
- Toulouse
- Yellow
- Dante
- Lowell
- Gopher
- Chelsea
- Olympic
- Abigail
- Longhorn
- Sled
- Vampire
- Pigeon
- Suspense
- Dix
- Subspecies
WHISTLER, noun. Someone or something that whistles, or who plays a whistle as a musical instrument.
WHISTLER, noun. A bird that whistles (applied regionally to various specific species).
WHISTLER, noun. A whistling marmot.
WHISTLER, noun. A goldeneye.
WHISTLER, noun. (physics) An audio-frequency electromagnetic wave produced by atmospheric disturbances such as lightning.
WHISTLER, proper noun. A surname.
WHISTLER, proper noun. A resort town in British Columbia, Canada.
Dictionary definition
WHISTLER, noun. United States painter (1834-1903).
WHISTLER, noun. Someone who makes a loud high sound.
WHISTLER, noun. Large North American mountain marmot.
WHISTLER, noun. Large-headed swift-flying diving duck of Arctic regions.
WHISTLER, noun. Australian and southeastern Asian birds with a melodious whistling call.
Wise words
Words to me were magic. You could say a word and it could
conjure up all kinds of images or feelings or a chilly
sensation or whatever. It was amazing to me that words had
this power.