Associations to the word «Tit»


TIT, noun. A mammary gland, teat.
TIT, noun. (slang) (vulgar) (chiefly in the plural) A woman's breast.
TIT, noun. (British) (pejorative) (slang) An idiot; a fool.
TIT, noun. (archaic) A light blow or hit (now usually in phrase tit for tat).
TIT, noun. A chickadee; a small passerine bird of the genus Parus or the family Paridae, common in the Northern Hemisphere.
TIT, noun. Any of various other small passerine birds.
TIT, noun. (archaic) A small horse; a nag.
TIT, noun. (archaic) A young girl, later especially a minx, hussy.
TIT, noun. A morsel; a bit.
TIT FOR TAT, noun. (idiomatic) equivalent retribution, an eye for an eye, returning exactly what you get.
TIT FOR TAT, noun. (Cockney rhyming slang) hat.
TIT FOR TAT, adjective. Having the characteristic of returning bad for bad.
TIT FOR TATS, noun. Plural of tit for tat
TIT FUCK, noun. (sexuality) (vulgar) The stimulation of a penis by someone's breasts, usually until the point of ejaculation.
TIT FUCK, verb. (sexuality) To perform a tit fuck.
TIT FUCKED, verb. Simple past tense and past participle of tit fuck
TIT FUCKING, verb. Present participle of tit fuck
TIT FUCKS, noun. Plural of tit fuck
TIT FUCKS, verb. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tit fuck
TIT JUICE, noun. (vulgar) (slang) Human milk.
TIT WANK, noun. (vulgar) (slang) A sexual act and form of masturbation where the penis is between the female's breasts and rubbed.
TIT WANKS, noun. Plural of tit wank

Dictionary definition

TIT, noun. Either of two soft fleshy milk-secreting glandular organs on the chest of a woman.
TIT, noun. The small projection of a mammary gland.
TIT, noun. Small insectivorous birds.

Wise words

To use the same words is not a sufficient guarantee of understanding; one must use the same words for the same genus of inward experience; ultimately one must have one's experiences in common.
Friedrich Nietzsche