Associations to the word «Committee»
- Advisory
- Subcommittee
- Names
- Steering
- Appropriation
- Chairperson
- Judiciary
- Chairman
- Oversight
- Vigilance
- Olympic
- Paralympic
- Drafting
- Senate
- Audit
- Rules
- Hearing
- Nepal
- Secretariat
- Recommendation
- Impeachment
- Knesset
- Ethics
- Standardization
- Liaison
- Executive
- Congress
- Caucus
- Communist
- Delegation
- Finance
- Budget
- Delegate
- Seniority
- Bolshevik
- Treasurer
- Legislative
- Disarmament
- Chair
- Technical
- Member
- Affair
- Coordination
- Secretary
- Vice
- Assignment
- Republican
- Provisional
- Veteran
- Trustee
- Expenditure
- Fundraising
- Bills
- Testimony
- Arbitration
- Representative
- Enquiry
- Reorganization
- Inquiry
- Council
- Legislation
COMMITTEE, noun. A group of persons convened for the accomplishment of some specific purpose, typically with formal protocols
COMMITTEE, noun. (archaic) a guardian; someone in charge of another person deemed to be unable to look after himself or herself.
Dictionary definition
COMMITTEE, noun. A special group delegated to consider some matter; "a committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours" - Milton Berle.
COMMITTEE, noun. A self-constituted organization to promote something.
Wise words
The words of truth are simple.