Associations to the word «Treasurer»
- Auditor
- Exchequer
- Secretary
- Keating
- Coroner
- Vice
- Clerk
- Costello
- Registrar
- Chairperson
- Treasury
- Accountant
- Elect
- Surveyor
- Trustee
- Recorder
- Chancellor
- Superintendent
- Archdeacon
- Supervisor
- Chamberlain
- Rudd
- Postmaster
- Chairman
- Turnbull
- Attorney
- Councilor
- Stacey
- President
- Steward
- Finance
- Overseer
- Commissioner
- Sheriff
- Mint
- Alderman
- Hon
- Moderator
- Committee
- Commissary
- Controller
- Calais
- Counsellor
- Banker
- Portfolio
- Collector
- Warden
- Schwarz
- Board
- Notary
- Receipt
- Republican
- Serving
- Egan
- Vermont
- Premier
- Harley
- Librarian
- Salisbury
- Esq
- Keeper
- Ely
- Governed
- Provost
- General
- Coordinator
- Executive
- Governor
- Whig
- Receiver
- Afl
- Impeachment
- Office
- Nominee
- Fund
- Lord
- Democrat
- Mcmahon
- Cecil
TREASURER, noun. The head of a corporation's treasury department.
TREASURER, noun. The official entrusted with the funds and revenues of an organization such as a club.
TREASURER, noun. The government official in charge of the Treasury.
Dictionary definition
TREASURER, noun. An officer charged with receiving and disbursing funds.
Wise words
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