Associations to the word «Warden»


WARDEN, noun. (archaic or literary) A guard or watchman.
WARDEN, noun. A chief administrative officer of a prison
WARDEN, noun. An official charged with supervisory duties or with the enforcement of specific laws or regulations; such as a game warden or air raid warden
WARDEN, noun. A governing official in various institutions
WARDEN, noun. (archaic) (slang) A variety of pear, thought to be Black Worcester or Parkinson's Warden.
WARDEN, proper noun. A surname​.
WARDEN SYSTEM, noun. An informal method of communication used to pass information to US citizens during emergencies.

Dictionary definition

WARDEN, noun. The chief official in charge of a prison.

Wise words

Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.
Lao Tzu