Associations to the word «Cain»
- Abel
- Cassandra
- Moira
- Herman
- Pegasus
- Debbie
- Jai
- Marko
- Adam
- Slew
- Lucifer
- Noah
- Romney
- Enoch
- Genesis
- Seth
- Ballroom
- Lorenzo
- Sadie
- Raisin
- Ufc
- Posterity
- Medusa
- Eden
- Tully
- Eve
- Michele
- Kilkenny
- Dean
- Jubal
- Rollins
- Jonathan
- Curse
- Tulsa
- Deluge
- Bourne
- Barnard
- Mabel
- Neal
- Keyboardist
- Dolan
- Fallout
- Git
- Bahia
- Murderer
- Byron
- Natasha
- Satan
- Gina
- Spectre
- Bel
- Jasmine
- Matt
- Manfred
- Perry
- Descendant
- Apollo
- Sloan
- Angie
- Jess
- Nl
- Ashley
- Lois
- Warden
- Delta
- Ark
- Nod
- Assassin
- Godfather
- Pitcher
- Leroy
- Strikeout
- Herod
- Athena
- Tyrol
- Aaron
- Philo
- Serpent
- Colbert
- Ursula
- Maureen
- Sim
- Stephanie
- Airship
- Faye
- Erwin
- Wandering
- Superman
- Envy
- Werewolf
CAIN, proper noun. (religion) The eldest son of Adam and Eve as described in Genesis and the Quran. (See Cain and Abel.)
CAIN, proper noun. (rare) A male given name.
Dictionary definition
CAIN, noun. (Old Testament) Cain and Abel were the first children of Adam and Eve born after the Fall of Man; Cain killed Abel out of jealousy and was exiled by God.
Wise words
We cannot always control our thoughts, but we can control
our words, and repetition impresses the subconscious, and we
are then master of the situation.