Associations to the word «Singleton»
- Corey
- Pap
- Shelby
- Swansea
- Valerie
- Snyder
- Maitland
- Penny
- Bert
- Doris
- Roderick
- Rowland
- Fry
- Jenkins
- Subset
- Cedric
- Hines
- Archdeacon
- Janice
- Warden
- Hoffman
- Eddie
- Ken
- Void
- Holden
- Winslow
- Palmer
- Nsw
- Midnight
- Piracy
- Daryl
- Glamorgan
- Pregnancy
- Lancashire
- Topology
- Oriole
- Elmer
- Chichester
- Exodus
- Grimes
- Argus
- Chris
- Vivian
- Partition
- Splinter
- Benjamin
- Hood
- Opener
- Subspace
- Mckinley
- Lucille
- Lori
- Loser
- Colored
- Newcastle
- Mather
- Remington
- Enfield
- Vicar
- Graph
- Presenter
- Twin
- Alvin
- Charlie
- Violin
- Adrian
- Casey
- Schoolhouse
- Wales
- Fresno
- John
- Freedman
- Montague
- Expo
- Zimmerman
- Lansing
- Jimmie
- Mercury
- Omaha
- Judd
- Locking
- Flanders
- Josh
- Worcestershire
- Linebacker
- Jon
- Watson
- Auditor
- Patty
- Outfielder
SINGLETON, noun. (playing cards) A playing card that is the only one of its suit in a hand, especially at bridge.
SINGLETON, noun. A single object, especially one of a group.
SINGLETON, noun. (computing) A class that may not be instantiated more than once, i.e. that implements the singleton design pattern.
SINGLETON, noun. (mathematics) A set with exactly one element.
SINGLETON, noun. A child or animal that is born singly, not as a twin or other multiple birth.
SINGLETON, noun. A person without a romantic partner.
SINGLETON PATTERN, noun. (software) (object-oriented) A creational design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to one object.
SINGLETON PATTERNS, noun. Plural of singleton pattern
Dictionary definition
SINGLETON, noun. A single object (as distinguished from a pair).
SINGLETON, noun. A set containing a single member.
SINGLETON, noun. The playing card that is the only card in a suit held in a bridge hand as initially dealt.
Wise words
A word carries far, very far, deals destruction through time
as the bullets go flying through space.