Associations to the word «Sydney»


SYDNEY, proper noun. A surname​, a spelling variant of Sidney.
SYDNEY, proper noun. A male given name transferred from the surname.
SYDNEY, proper noun. A female given name transferred from the surname.
SYDNEY, proper noun. A seaport and the state capital of New South Wales, Australia.
SYDNEY, proper noun. A former city, now part of the amalgamated Cape Breton Regional Municipality on Cape Breton Island in the province of Nova Scotia, Canada.
SYDNEY, proper noun. Dharuk, an Aboriginal language of Australia.
SYDNEY FUNNEL-WEB SPIDER, noun. A venomous spider, Atrax robustus, native to Australia.
SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE, proper noun. A multi-venue performing arts centre in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

Dictionary definition

SYDNEY, noun. The largest Australian city located in southeastern Australia on the Tasman Sea; state capital of New South Wales; Australia's chief port.

Wise words

The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.
Thomas Jefferson