Associations to the word «Brisbane»
- Bronco
- Queensland
- Melbourne
- Ipswich
- Cairns
- Lions
- Fortitude
- Perth
- Canberra
- Adelaide
- Roar
- Manly
- Sydney
- Fitzroy
- Premiership
- Afl
- Courier
- Suburb
- Parramatta
- Kangaroo
- Collingwood
- Powerhouse
- Geelong
- Australia
- Premier
- Bowen
- Hobart
- Tramway
- Fremantle
- Parkland
- Meteorology
- Gladstone
- Darwin
- Rooster
- Wharf
- Bulldog
- Mackay
- Kelvin
- Municipal
- Downs
- Magpie
- Alderman
- Allotment
- Rugby
- Griffith
- Terrace
- Grafton
- Nsw
- Newcastle
- Fullback
- Shire
- Expo
- Goodwill
- Racecourse
- Cyclone
- Precinct
- Roma
- Bandit
- Motorway
- Wigan
- Tweed
- Grammar
- Macarthur
- Logan
- Isa
- Hawthorn
- Auckland
- Burnett
- Orient
- Newmarket
- Australian
- Somerville
- Centenary
- Tram
- Lang
- Warwick
- Sunshine
- Carlton
- Striker
- Lucia
- Halfback
- Quay
- Tasmania
- Hearst
- Carnival
- Acacia
- Costello
- Surfer
- Schoolboy
- Heritage
- Refit
BRISBANE, proper noun. Large city and State capital of Queensland (Australia).
Dictionary definition
BRISBANE, noun. Capital and largest city of Queensland state; located in the southeastern corner of Queensland on the Pacific; settled by British as a penal colony; 3rd largest city in Australia.
Wise words
He that hath knowledge spareth his words.