Associations to the word «Memorandum»
- Understanding
- Memo
- Cooperation
- Airbus
- Pencil
- Signing
- Agreement
- Dod
- Drafting
- Handwriting
- Nsa
- Technical
- Feasibility
- Internal
- Sentencing
- Seward
- Directive
- Cia
- Notebook
- Document
- Budapest
- Hitler
- Mcnamara
- Balfour
- Gonzales
- Detainee
- Naga
- Registrar
- Auspice
- Receipt
- Correspondence
- Exchequer
- Delegation
- Brief
- Drought
- Ultimatum
- Churchill
- Interrogation
- Annexation
- Diary
- Hectare
- Equivalent
- Trieste
- Knesset
- Conservation
- Trafalgar
- Despatch
- Serb
- Livestock
- Ledger
- Bonn
- Moldova
- Nasa
- Secretary
- Dissent
- Sheikh
- Nehru
- Fbi
- Assurance
- Vis
- Yugoslavia
- Aberdeen
- Brunei
- Grievance
- Notification
- Drawer
MEMORANDUM, noun. A short note serving as a reminder
MEMORANDUM, noun. A written business communication
MEMORANDUM, noun. A brief diplomatic communication
MEMORANDUM, noun. A page in an annual publication honoring the memory of a person who died during the past year.
MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION, noun. A document that governs the relationship between a company and the outside.
MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING, noun. (legal) A document that outlines the legal and factual premises believed by the parties to have been agreed to between them.
MEMORANDUM OPINION, noun. (legal) (U.S.) In United States legal practice, a judicial opinion that does not create precedent.
Dictionary definition
MEMORANDUM, noun. A written proposal or reminder.
Wise words
A wise man hears one word and understands two.