Associations to the word «Circulate»
- Rumour
- Rumor
- Banknote
- Coinage
- Lymphocyte
- Testosterone
- Platelet
- Petition
- Estrogen
- Pamphlet
- Currency
- Coin
- Lymph
- Hormone
- Insulin
- Antibody
- Leaflet
- Serum
- Circulation
- Hoax
- Fluid
- Memo
- Peso
- Pump
- Glucose
- Purchaser
- Cholesterol
- Radiator
- Influenza
- Mint
- Plasma
- Antigen
- Steroid
- Marrow
- Manuscript
- Newsletter
- Convection
- Dyeing
- Secretion
- Clot
- Metabolite
- Memorandum
- Copy
- Spleen
- Blood
- Tubing
- Uptake
- Denomination
- Gossip
- Libel
- Rupee
- Newspaper
- Subtype
- Seawater
- Periodical
- Tissue
- Heater
- Liver
- Demos
- Daily
- Progenitor
- Internet
- Falsehood
- Library
- Vitamin
- Vortex
- Flu
- Tumor
CIRCULATE, verb. (intransitive) to move in circles or through a circuit
CIRCULATE, verb. (transitive) to cause (a person or thing) to move in circles or through a circuit
CIRCULATE, verb. To move from person to person, as at a party
CIRCULATE, verb. To spread or disseminate
CIRCULATE, verb. To become widely known
Dictionary definition
CIRCULATE, verb. Become widely known and passed on; "the rumor spread"; "the story went around in the office".
CIRCULATE, verb. Cause to become widely known; "spread information"; "circulate a rumor"; "broadcast the news".
CIRCULATE, verb. Cause be distributed; "This letter is being circulated among the faculty".
CIRCULATE, verb. Move through a space, circuit or system, returning to the starting point; "Blood circulates in my veins"; "The air here does not circulate".
CIRCULATE, verb. Move in circles.
CIRCULATE, verb. Cause to move in a circuit or system; "The fan circulates the air in the room".
CIRCULATE, verb. Move around freely; "She circulates among royalty".
CIRCULATE, verb. Cause to move around; "circulate a rumor".
Wise words
Wisdom does not show itself so much in precept as in life -
in firmness of mind and a mastery of appetite. It teaches us
to do, as well as talk, and to make our words and actions
all of a color.