Associations to the word «Nairobi»
- Kenya
- Dar
- Slum
- Tanzania
- Uganda
- Johannesburg
- Parkland
- Safari
- Embassy
- Lagos
- Limited
- Rwanda
- Es
- Rift
- Burundi
- Somalia
- Sudan
- Pancho
- Icc
- Amin
- Sheng
- Zambia
- Karachi
- Eritrea
- Africa
- Airway
- Cairo
- Bangkok
- Aden
- Laden
- Bombing
- Pretoria
- Equity
- Islamabad
- Geneva
- Acton
- Seychelles
- Stock
- Kuala
- Nations
- Ethiopia
- Mauritius
- Karen
- Capital
- Mohamed
- Zimbabwe
- Outskirt
- Homelessness
- Mall
- Beirut
- Mumbai
- Delegation
- Mandir
- Marathon
- Headquarters
- Suburb
- Nigeria
- Exchange
- Archdiocese
- Anvil
- Durban
- Sanitation
- Congo
- Namibia
- Unicef
- Botswana
- Airport
- Mara
- Rfc
- Hilton
- Rhino
- Pinto
- Shopping
- Boeing
- Subsidiary
- Prostitution
- Hub
- Unesco
- Equator
- Istanbul
- Delhi
- Brussels
- Dubai
- Copenhagen
- Secretariat
- Beijing
- Senegal
- Kilometre
- Diploma
NAIROBI, proper noun. The capital of Kenya.
Dictionary definition
NAIROBI, noun. The capital and largest city of Kenya; a center for tourist safaris.
Wise words
Words, like nature, half reveal and half conceal the soul