Associations to the word «App»
- Android
- Mobile
- Notification
- Browser
- Apple
- Keane
- Samsung
- Tablet
- Developer
- User
- Api
- Nokia
- Store
- Functionality
- Os
- Gps
- Ui
- Startup
- Phone
- Update
- Cr
- Device
- Marketplace
- Web
- Networking
- Booking
- Platform
- Mac
- Amazon
- Wallet
- Cleavage
- Folder
- Menu
- Safari
- Application
- Interface
- Subscription
- Adobe
- Calculator
- Software
- Lr
- Alert
- Nook
- Smart
- Default
- Compatibility
- Roach
- Precursor
- Tracker
- Authentication
- Bing
- Pc
- Chat
- Server
- Purchase
- Redesign
- Sharing
- Subscriber
- Beta
- Finder
- Cas
- Launch
- Nintendo
- Gadget
- Gaming
- Linux
- Tracking
APP, noun. Abbreviation of appeals.
APP, noun. (computing) An application (program), especially a small one designed for a mobile device.
APP, noun. (informal) appetizer
APP, noun. (military) application (not a computer program)
APP, noun. (sports) an appearance in a game (e.g., a player with 10 apps in a season played 10 times)
Wise words
Words, words, words! They shut one off from the universe.
Three quarters of the time one's never in contact with
things, only with the beastly words that stand for them.