Associations to the word «Avert»
- Calamity
- Catastrophe
- Gaze
- Bloodshed
- Disaster
- Omen
- Peril
- Misfortune
- Danger
- Crise
- Doom
- Tragedy
- Wrath
- Famine
- Evil
- Crisis
- Displeasure
- Collision
- Eye
- Suspicion
- Fate
- Starvation
- Confrontation
- Dread
- Looming
- Glance
- Compromise
- Diplomacy
- Embarrassment
- Hostility
- Ingenuity
- Mischief
- Countenance
- Face
- Amulet
- Takeover
- Collapse
- Bankruptcy
- Intervention
- Sacrifice
- Destruction
- Rupture
- Threat
- Repentance
- Niall
- Coup
- Plague
- Concession
- Camilla
- Apocalypse
- Endeavour
- Consequence
- Fasting
- Vaccination
- Childbirth
- Spat
- Insurrection
- Precaution
- Epidemic
- Continuance
- Garion
AVERT, verb. (transitive) To turn aside or away.
AVERT, verb. (transitive) To ward off, or prevent, the occurrence or effects of.
AVERT, verb. (intransitive) (archaic) To turn away.
AVERT, verb. (transitive) (archaic) To turn away.
Dictionary definition
AVERT, verb. Prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening; "Let's avoid a confrontation"; "head off a confrontation"; "avert a strike".
AVERT, verb. Turn away or aside; "They averted their eyes when the King entered".
Wise words
Truthful words are not beautiful; beautiful words are not
truthful. Good words are not persuasive; persuasive words
are not good.