Associations to the word «Papyrus»
- Parchment
- Beatty
- Horus
- Scroll
- Fragmentary
- Codex
- Scribe
- Egyptian
- Turin
- Mummy
- Fragment
- Manuscript
- Osiris
- Testament
- Thebes
- Isis
- Amulet
- Ani
- Numbering
- Egypt
- Facsimile
- Bce
- Lotus
- Tablet
- Kenyon
- Nile
- Nag
- Swamp
- Wadi
- Pharaoh
- Reed
- Pap
- Edwin
- Tomb
- Scrap
- Amherst
- Gospel
- Pyramid
- Sheet
- Leiden
- Epistle
- Pliny
- Roll
- Hearst
- Abbott
- Inscription
- Text
- Chester
- Antiquity
- Palette
- Ink
- Bc
- Coffin
- Dynasty
- Cairo
- Ptolemy
- Magdalen
- Alexandria
- Epsom
- Louvre
- Stalk
- Quotation
- Ca
- Document
- Cache
- Vizier
- Possessor
- Gregory
- Hermes
- Sandal
- Recipe
- Strasbourg
- Ancient
- Obelisk
- Iliad
Pictures for the word «Papyrus»
PAPYRUS, noun. (usually uncountable) A plant in the sedge family, Cyperus papyrus, native to the Nile river valley.
PAPYRUS, noun. (usually uncountable) A material similar to paper made from the papyrus plant.
PAPYRUS, noun. (countable) A scroll or document written on papyrus.
Dictionary definition
PAPYRUS, noun. Paper made from the papyrus plant by cutting it in strips and pressing it flat; used by ancient Egyptians and Greeks and Romans.
PAPYRUS, noun. Tall sedge of the Nile valley yielding fiber that served many purposes in historic times.
PAPYRUS, noun. A document written on papyrus.
Wise words
In words are seen the state of mind and character and
disposition of the speaker.