Associations to the word «Highlander»
- Argyll
- Sutherland
- Cameron
- Macleod
- Jacobite
- Gryphon
- Fusilier
- Inverness
- Battalion
- Highland
- Southland
- Gordon
- Calgary
- Immortal
- Waverley
- Montrose
- Vc
- Toyota
- Shire
- Fraser
- Regiment
- Myles
- Aberdeen
- Horton
- Lowland
- Argyle
- Bayonet
- Dundee
- Macpherson
- Quartermaster
- Louise
- Dunedin
- Scotia
- Scottish
- Scot
- Yankee
- Hilltop
- Grenadier
- Crusader
- Stirling
- Boer
- Mackay
- Albany
- Dragoon
- Bonnet
- Highlands
- Munro
- Temp
- Oriole
- Mutiny
- Infantry
- Maclean
- Glasgow
- Hussar
- Lucknow
- Riverside
- Clan
- Piper
- Mackenzie
- Connor
- Nova
- Sorcerer
- Mountaineer
- Royal
- Musket
- Leah
- Outfielder
- Amalgamation
- Cowan
- Scotland
- Duncan
- Cade
- Colonel
- Brigade
- Stag
- Raven
- Lancer
- Volley
- Pennant
- Pipe
- Lieutenant
- Rugby
- Gael
- Grounds
HIGHLANDER, noun. Alternative letter-case form of highlander
HIGHLANDER, noun. A person who inhabits the Scottish Highlands.
HIGHLANDER, noun. Any person who lives in mountainous or hilly terrain.
HIGHLANDER, noun. (collectible card games) (often capitalized) A game format in which players are allowed no more than one of any card (except basic resource cards) in their decks.
Dictionary definition
HIGHLANDER, noun. A soldier in a Scottish regiment from the Highlands.
HIGHLANDER, noun. A native of the Highlands of Scotland.
Wise words
Words, like nature, half reveal and half conceal the soul