Associations to the word «Muller»
- Huff
- Chevrolet
- Sophie
- Menu
- Marcia
- Automaton
- Max
- Pieter
- Hermann
- Herr
- Helmut
- Maud
- Dyer
- Alain
- Romeo
- Martini
- Kuhn
- Bmw
- Engel
- Frau
- Caldwell
- Teammate
- Bog
- Johann
- Yokohama
- Frederick
- Karin
- Norbert
- Heinz
- Honda
- Lap
- Veda
- Reed
- Bessie
- Nl
- Erich
- Podium
- Rankin
- Frazer
- Kramer
- Gilles
- Philology
- Mutation
- Sutra
- Sanskrit
- Rolf
- Mccall
- Cathy
- Pere
- Fay
- Souza
- Sitter
- Stephan
- Tc
- Nobel
- Helene
- Pretoria
- Randy
- Mt
- Franz
- Kirk
- Barak
- Johannes
- Boer
- Nash
- Jess
- Genetics
- Plato
- Bernhard
- Nemesis
- Dieter
- Thierry
- Jd
- Frank
- Pax
- Mueller
- Totem
- Driver
- Oskar
- Gary
- Audi
- Lair
- Myra
- Overcoat
- Pyrenees
- Gm
- Parity
- Jakob
- Gestapo
- Cody
- Silas
MULLER, noun. One who, or that which, mulls.
MULLER, noun. (arts) A grinding stone, held in the hand, used especially for preparing paints and powders.
MULLER, noun. A vessel in which wine, etc., is mulled over a fire.
MULLER, verb. To grind up into, or as if into, powder.
MULLER, noun. (metallurgy) A machine that mixes sand and clay for use in metal castings.
MULLER, verb. (UK) To defeat or destroy utterly (as in a sport or competition).
MULLER, proper noun. Alternative form of Mueller
Dictionary definition
MULLER, noun. Swiss chemist who synthesized DDT and discovered its use as an insecticide (1899-1965).
MULLER, noun. Swiss physicist who studied superconductivity (born in 1927).
MULLER, noun. German physiologist and anatomist (1801-1858).
MULLER, noun. German mathematician and astronomer (1436-1476).
MULLER, noun. British philologist (born in Germany) who specialized in Sanskrit (1823-1900).
MULLER, noun. United States geneticist who studied the effects of X-rays on genes (1890-1967).
MULLER, noun. A reflective thinker characterized by quiet contemplation.
MULLER, noun. A heavy tool of stone or iron (usually with a flat base and a handle) that is used to grind and mix material (as grain or drugs or pigments) against a slab of stone.
MULLER, noun. A vessel in which wine is mulled.
Wise words
A word carries far, very far, deals destruction through time
as the bullets go flying through space.