Associations to the word «Heinz»
- Harald
- Karl
- Mellon
- Dieter
- Hartmann
- Werner
- Fischer
- Joachim
- Erich
- Wolfgang
- Gerhard
- Horst
- Helmut
- Kraft
- Schumacher
- Klaus
- Hoffmann
- Walther
- Hans
- Wehrmacht
- Pittsburgh
- Rudolf
- Josef
- Norbert
- Hermann
- Schubert
- Luftwaffe
- Pickle
- Oskar
- Bayern
- Jg
- Georg
- Erwin
- Neumann
- Carnegie
- Ursula
- Brandt
- Xix
- Otto
- Fritz
- Billing
- Konrad
- Dietrich
- Ernst
- Manfred
- Becker
- Richter
- Stade
- Heinrich
- Teresa
- Nickel
- Rolf
- Braun
- Wagner
- Wilhelm
- Ulrich
- Wolff
- Deutschland
- Leben
- Weiss
- Kurt
- Siegfried
- Adolf
- Von
- Endowment
- Marek
- Bremen
- Schwarz
- Ludwig
- Stuttgart
- Dem
- Attache
- Annual
- Bis
- Eugen
- Tc
- Düsseldorf
- Eduard
- Lorenz
- Allegheny
- Mack
- Reich
- Willy
- Munich
- Ravens
- Franz
- Dortmund
- Hitler
- Schmidt
- Das
- Der
- Burt
- Friedrich
- Markus
- German
HEINZ, noun. (poker slang) A five and a seven as starting cards in Texas hold 'em
HEINZ 57, adjective. (of a thing) A complete mix; containing parts of many different origins.
HEINZ 57, adjective. (of a person or animal) (chiefly a dog) (informal) Having ancestry of many different origins; to be of mixed race or breed
Dictionary definition
HEINZ, noun. United States industrialist who manufactured and sold processed foods (1844-1919).
Wise words
Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and
health to the bones.